Welcome to Prezly

Here's you first press release, straight in your inbox. When you send a press release with Prezly it always looks as clean as this one: easy for journalists to scan and to click through to your media content.

Byebye FTP headaches

Forget the days of sharing FTP info with your clients or with messing with the WeTransfers and Yousendit's of this world. Sharing heavy files is integrated with your press releases: journalists can download your media files print ready with just one click. 

Understand the behavior of email recipients

E-mail doesn't need to be a black box. When you send a press release, you'll see who opened it and who was interested enough to click through to your press room to read more or to download your files. When journalists don't want to receive messages from you anymore, they can choose to unsubscribe, instead of having to mark your messages as spam. 


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Frederik Vincx

Interaction designer and frontend developer, Prezly

Gijs Nelissen

Systems administrator and code ninja, Prezly

Jesse Wynants

Strategist and backend developer, Prezly